Thursday, October 30, 2008

The effect of the Bea

My friend calls this her - "getting through the day at work pick me up" - I agree.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why I am thinking I could maybe be a buddhist

Buddhist make a temple out of beer bottles. Not only is the building a beautiful piece of architecture but it certainly is environmentally friendly.


I have to say I love Heineken - the campaign site for this is great too.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Newspaper TV ad

I love this ad from the Sun - so simple.

Pepsi's new logo 08

I am not sure I alike the new Pepsi logo. I am sure plenty of very well educated people put their two cents in, but there is something so un -genuinely unfriendly about it. I know it is supposed to be more dynamic, but it just reminds me that I am not a fan of Pepsi's taste - perhaps this is just pure consumer bias on my part.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Oh so Mean!

I have to admit I was ready to buy a pomegranate phone - but now I will just go to Nova Scotia instead. I wonder if there will be a backlash of anger for this type of campaign? I do have to tell you I was pissed that this phone does not exist.

although the coffee thing did tip me off - I suppose they will be getting rid of starbucks in the future? but I dont think I will ever get used to those office freestyling harmonica moments.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ambush Studio

This is my friend Amanda and Juan's new set-up Ambush Studio - awesome stuff - and did I mention they are for hire?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tom Shoes I love you!

Dear Tom Shoes - I LOVE YOU!
if somebody is feeling uber generous, these shoes are on my most wanted list. Not only are they wonderfully designed, but I love that they wrap around your leg making sure they fit like a glove.

Zipper Genius

It isn't even funny how genius this is!

Zip Holder saves those moments when you have to make sure. I only have one pair of jeans that I would need this for - but man seeing it makes me want it.

Future Lips

I've been thinking alot about the future lately, wondering where my flying car is, and then I came across Satellite 3. I suppose make-up of the future could look like a space ship from the 50's, but I always thought they would be more versatile than a lipstick is.

In fact it makes me think that make-up is far behind in its own right. If we could just combine the eye shadow with a lipstick with some powder and maybe even a liner then I could reinforce the fact I would need smaller purses or none at all.

Why again don't make-up companies do this? I bet most women carry make-up with them in a pouch like I do. Maybe there should be make-up specifically for purses, keeping in mind light-weight and durable.

Creative 30 - YEAH!

I am so excited to see Creative 30. It is a campaign sponsored by Volvo, VICE, The Independent and Yahoo!. It originated as a contest to find 30 of Britain's most promising artists - from dancers to tattoo artists.

SO SMART! love would be great to copy the same here - but they will I am sure just like Idol.


Friday, October 17, 2008

Pockets, Purses and Children of Men

I watched the movie Children of Men today - and besides the obvious societal issues the movie brings up I was stunned to see all of the things Clive Owen pulls out of his pockets in one scene. Random, I know. The list includes a small bottle of liquor, a pack of cigs, a bunch of keys, a lighter, pills and a receipt.

I've always considered the purse such a crap accessory - don't get me wrong - I love purses and own plenty of them (more on my absurd collection of purses on another date) but I find them to be an annoying part of a woman's life.

Hear me out.

It seems every time I buy a new purse, no matter the size, I find I must always stick stuff in my pockets anyway. Usually it is for convenience purposes since digging for lip gloss or trying to find one's phone in the purse abyss can be a major pain in the bum.

I watched a whole documentary on Jack Taylor, suit maker, I can promise you that there are better suits for men than for women. They include pockets and perfectly sized ones at that which fit everything from a blackberry to a bottle of liquor - if I tried to fit this into a purse it would have to be rather large.

I do understand the pitfalls of an unorganized purse, but what is worse is that I seem to be carrying more stuff than ever and I am not alone. I know that recently some companies have been addressing the issue of purse organization (Container Store, Buxton Bag,, Joey Junior, ) but all of it is so darn ugly!

Then I found Jen Groover - this woman is a genius. Her bag is well designed and she has a line of high end ones that aren't ugly - a real shocker when it comes to organization purses. They are pricey though.

Still - I think that organization companies are not doing enough research. Since it is mostly women who do the organizing (I am generalizing) that they should address more of these issues. I would love to see a bigger variety of better made, lighter, organization travel gear for women. And maybe it is not purse organization that is the problem, but purses are. Perhaps fashion designers can create more fashionable clothing with pockets and space saving in mind. I'm just a dreamer but I would love to not have to lug around a purse and be able to fit everything into my jeans without looking like I have cellphone or something growing out of my front.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Meltdown Chairs

I think I could totally be in love with these Meltdown Chairs by Tom Price. I love the idea of melting something together to make form and function out of it.

From randomness

From randomness

I would love to see a brand do this, melt and deconstruct the product into something functional. I'm sure most crafters and artists are already on this - brands should be too.

Beauty is only software deep

"Tel Aviv software programers have created a "beautification engine." By using mathematical formulas they alter a person’s face into what theoretically is the more "beautiful" version, while retaining "unmistakable similarity" to the original:

Studies have shown that there is surprising agreement about what makes a face attractive. Symmetry is at the core, along with youthfulness; clarity or smoothness of skin; and vivid color, say, in the eyes and hair. There is little dissent among people of different cultures, ethnicities, races, ages and gender."

I think it is an interesting experiment - but is beauty that basic?

Looking at the sample pictures I have to be honest, as a large-eyed, large-lipped female, this program would minimize the two things that make me stand out. I couldn't imagine what it would do to Angelina.

This seems to be a common theme in the past few days after watching The Fountainhead with Gary Cooper on TMC the other day. If you haven't read the book...DO.

I hate to think of a future with standardized beauty only. I can only hope we continue to fight against it.

from Neatorama via the Times Article

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Glory and Detriment of Alarms and the Snooze Button

This morning, as with many mornings, I awoke to my cell phone midi tone "Coconuts", the most diabolical of all tunes. As this is the official wake-me-up tone, I now cringe and have urges to smash my crap phone when I hear it in public. It made me think of two things - 1. What has happened to the advancement of the alarm clock, 2. How awful it is when tunes get stuck in association to bad things (more on that tomorrow)

My life with alarms started when I was a kid. I grew up with a chicken coop in Miami; not at all  normal. The morning wake-up call was our rooster, who had one eye and one leg (like teddy roosevelt's), due to an unfortunate act with a possum, but he woke up everything and everyone in the whole neighborhood.

When we got rid of the chickens I got my first alarm clock, Mickey Mouse, which still works to this very day but which only goes off once in the morning and you either got up or missed the breakfast. The need to get to school out-weighed the desire to go back to sleep. 

When I went to college I moved on to my first digital clock with a snooze button. The snooze button and I have a truly beautiful love hate relationship. I love that it lets me go back to sleep and it hates me enough to not wake me up. I was late to my share of college classes. I then moved onto setting my cell phone as an alarm. This too had a snooze button which became as useless as the digital clock's. So I went to adding the two together at different time implements but eventually my brain compensated even for that - so I added my Mickey clock back into the mix as a last resort (at this point you must understand I was in my first year of college and when I did sleep, I slept).  

The three-pronged approach worked for a bit but it never stuck, it lacked Wakeupability (for lack of a better word) and I have an even harder time getting up today. As the stresses of life pile up, more people are prone to this sleep inertia, which is just a fancy term for the grogginess in the morning I have that makes it so hard to wake up. 

It seems that the new clocks have taken the approach of attacking the cause of insuring wake-up (sleep inertia, urgency, nature, sleep debt). Clocky rolls away from you and forces you out of bed, which I think is ingenious but I do not have the space in the room to let it roll. Then there are the "peaceful progressives", which use simulated sunlight to wake you up, and there are ones with aromatherapy. For a really high-tech alarm clock you could use a sleep monitor like the ones at Axon Labs, which promise to reduce the sleep inertia by waking you up when you are less vulnerable to it. 

To me the best approach would be to combine them all into a brightly shining screaming rooster clock which runs around your room frantically and repeats this act every 5 minutes with no snooze button. TADA! 
I already feel bad for my cat...but seriously, the importance of getting up in the morning should weigh heavier on the creation of better alarms. I would love to see something that could wake me up with a positive morning. Let's get on this people.

Monday, October 6, 2008

rolling the boulder

As I have moved to a new town - by circumstance rather than choice - I find myself drawn to the theory of exile. I am the man rolling the boulder up the hill, not quite reaching the pinnacle.

Two years ago I went to the Miami Ad School Account Planning Bootcamp in an attempt to define my place in advertising. To me planning is the ultimate challenge. I love it because it is science and it is creativity - possibly the missing link between the hemispheres of the brain. At all times the lines are blurred. For you to have a truly brilliant strategy you must both understand the nature of the science of advertising (demographics, target markets) and you must understand how to communicate to people effectively; where you need to know alot about yourself and people. I enjoy it all the more because it is not easy.

The intimidation factor here is huge because, I feel, at 26 I don't know enough about anything to be truly good at something.

so here i am, a student of the world...yearning to become a teacher.